Please Note: Montana State University no longer supports Z Drives (for file storage) and now utilizes Microsoft OneDrive for saving and securing files to the cloud. You can access your MSU OneDrive account by using your MSU Username and Password.  See instructions on our UIT web page: OneDrive for Business.

If you have an old Z Drive, we recommend moving your files to your OneDrive account.

Accessing a Z Drive From Off Campus – Macintosh OS X

First, you will need to set up a VPN. Instructions for setting up a VPN.

Mapping the drive for a Macintosh:

1.       Select “Go” and the “Connect to Server” from your desktop.


2.       Type in the following for the server address where “x” is the first letter of your NetID and NetID is your NetID

·         smb://

ex: smb://


3.       A popup for your user information will show up

·         For Name type in: MSU\NetID

·         For Password use your normal password that goes with your NetID


4.       Select “Connect” and you should see the contents of your Z Drive