Please Note: Montana State University no longer supports Z Drives (for file storage) and now utilizes Microsoft OneDrive for saving and securing files to the cloud.You can access your MSU OneDrive account by using your MSU Username and Password.  See instructions on our UIT web page: OneDrive for Business.

If you have an old Z Drive, we recommend moving your files to your OneDrive account.

1.       Accessing your Z Drive from off campus requires a VPN connection. Please visit Set up a VPN Connection if you are unsure of how to do that.


2.       The process is fairly similar to Mapping a Network Drive. First, you’ll need to left click on the Start icon to open the Start menu.


3.       Left click on “Computer”


4.       Select “Map Network Drive”


5.       Make sure the Z: letter is chosen and enter:


Into the “Folder:” line.

 Where “x” is the first letter of your NetID and NetID is your entire NetID (ex: a12b345)

·         There is an option to reconnect upon logon to your Z Drive- toggle on or off to your liking.


6.       Select “Finish” or hit Enter to complete the process. The contents of your Z Drive should appear.
